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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Packing!!! Arrggghh!!!

Well, the day has come.  I can't put it off.  I have to pack my suitcase for my trip to Vancouver.  And, I am sure it is going to be an interesting experience.

If I were simply packing casual clothes for my role at the Medical Clinic, that would be easy.  But, I also will be working in Vancouver, serving in my role at CMC-Canada and will be giving a few speeches, at the Interior BC, Vancouver Island and Lower Mainland chapters.  I am really looking forward to meeting all of CMC members in BC, but I have to figure out how to pack some business clothes in a big duffle bag.  Wish me luck.

Before I leave, there are lots of things going on here.....yesterday, my son, Blaine, had a late night hockey game in Hamilton, so we didn't get home until 11:30 pm.  Unfortunately, they lost 4-2...which made the 1 1/2 hour return drive a bit longer.  More importantly, today Blaine gets confirmed in the Roman Catholic church.  His older brother, Tait, is serving as his sponsor.  Neat.

I'm on the plane tomorrow at 7 am.  My Olympic journey starts in a few short hours.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Vancouver Athletes' Village Medical Clinic Opens Today

The Olympic Games are one step closer to reality.  Today, the Medical Centre at the Vancouver Athletes' Village opens.  That means athletes will be arriving soon and the Games cannot be far behind.

This photo in the Athletes' Village shows my friends, Ben and Sarah Stewart of New Westminster, BC, with the official mascots, Sumi, Miga and Quatchi

After the Games, the Village will become condos.  You can buy one of the units where the athletes will be staying for a cool $450,000 to $1,000,000.

Well, I have to run, but am starting to pack, as my airplane leaves for Vancouver on Monday at 7 am.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Everyone is into the Olympic Spirit

Todd Williams, the Chair of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Association of Management Consultants (CMC-Canada) and President of TRW Consultants, had the great opportunity to carry the torch, when it passed through his hometown of Halifax, NS, back in November 2009.

Outside of his consulting practice and leadership role at CMC-Canada, Todd is a great volunteer (President) with the East Hants Minor Hockey Association. It is for this dedication, as a community leader, that he had the opportunity to serve as a torchbearer.

On an association note, Todd and I spent a few days together last week as we were hosting the CMC-Canada National Board of Directors meeting in Toronto.  It was a monumental meeting as we devoted quite a bit of time to strategic planning.  More on this shortly, but I hope, in time, that we will all look back on January 2010 as a key milestone in our development.

Back to the Olympic Games....isn't it neat that we both have had a taste of the Olympic Spirit?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Welcome to CMC-Canada members

I would like to issue a warm welcome to all of the members of the Canadian Association of Management Consultants.

I am proud to serve at the a CMC.

My initial objective is to write daily and share my experiences in Vancouver.  As it is my first blog, I expect that I'll face a learning curve.  I'm sure my later posts will be better than these first ones (I appreciate your patience!).

Following the Games, I plan to keep the blog active, keeping our members up-to-date with CMC-Canada issues - it will be a source of news, opinions and issues on things affecting CMCs. 

I look forward to hearing from you - let me know what things you like to hear about.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Can't Wait

My Olympic journey starts in about one week.  On the morning of February 1st, I will board an airplane from Ontario and will arrive to start my volunteer effort with the Games.

My first appointment is with accreditation and uniforming at the PNE grounds.  It will be a proud moment when I get to put on the VANOC uniform.  I can't wait.  Assuming that it all goes smoothly, my first work shift is at 7 am the next morning.

I have been watching the torch travel across the country and now see it is getting very close to Vancouver. Everytime I turn on the television, there are more news reports on the Games.  Now, most of the Olympic teams have being named....this whole dream is close to becoming reality.

Given how excited I am....I can't even imagine how these athletes feel.

To keep up with all of the news, I have posted a link to the TSN/CTV website (  There are some great stories here.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Watch for Updates Soon

It is hard to believe but 2010 is upon us and fast approaching is the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games. Since being awarded the Games in 2003, everyone has been waiting with anticipation of this time. In one short month, the Games will begin on February 12, 2010.

I have been fortunate to be selected to serve as a volunteer in the Polyclinic in the Vancouver Athlete's Village. This is an opportunity of a lifetime and I hope to share my experiences with you, in this blog.

Even though the Games do not begin until later, my volunteer experience starts on February 1, 2010. Visit this website regularly to experience a bit of the Games, from the inside.

